The Augmentation page allows users to enhance their items. To access this page, click the Augment button on the Item description page.

Augmenting an item also involves using two identical items: the first is the Target item, and the second serves as the Catalyst. Augmentation incurs a cost. Please be aware that the Catalyst item is consumed during the augmentation process.
There is a 70% chance of a successful augmentation, resulting in an item with improved characteristics. However, there are two possible outcomes:
- Successful Forge: Your item will exhibit enhanced for 20% parameters.
- Failed Forge: In this case, both your items, the Target and Catalyst, will be consumed. Augmentation can sometimes lead to failure, resulting in the loss of both items. Users should be cautious when attempting augmentation, considering the risk involved.
The max level of augmentation is 20.
Now the enhancement of some items occurs non-linearly, and it is impossible to upgrade an item to 100%. This limitation applies only to certain stats and is implemented to maintain game balance because some attributes may be super rare.
Here's a list of these attributes:
- Block rating
- Fire resistance
- Cold resistance
- Lightning resistance
- Defence against human
- Defence against undead
- Defence against daemon
- Defence against beast
- Critical hit
- Damage reduction
- Stun
- Burn
- Freeze
- Confuse
- Curse
- Poison
- Resist to statuses
The calculation is done using the formula:
Where: z - is desired capacity, 90 for resists/defences, 100 for criticals and statuses x - current value, base attribute k - is the factor of how fast the value will reach the capacity, k=90 y - new value that is used in calculations