Items Attributes

  • Name and ID: Each item possesses a unique name and ID.
  • Rarity: Items come in various rarities, which are represented by different colors:
    • Normal (White)
    • Magic (Blue)
    • Rare (Gold)
    • Set (Green)
    • Unique (Purple)
    • Skills (Aquamarine): Skills are not categorized by rarity but are presented in a distinct color due to their relatively rare availability as rewards.
  • Augmentation Level: This indicates how many times the item has been upgraded. You can enhance an item by visiting the Forge and following the rules for item enhancement. More details on this can be found in the corresponding section.
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  • Gear Score: Numeric representation of the overall quality and effectiveness of an item. A higher Gear Score signifies that the equipment is more formidable and provides a greater advantage in combat and in the chance to be called in reinforcement.
  • Effects on Stats: Items can have both positive and negative effects. They may also include effects that apply to opponents, effectively boosting not only the hero's stats but also those of their adversaries. The various types of effects will be outlined in the "Stats & Effects Description" section.
  • Magic Attack: This represents an additional aspect of an item, allowing for versatile use in combat, much like skills. Similar to skills, it requires a mana expenditure each turn.
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  • Durability: Durability reflects an item's wear and tear as a percentage. When an item's durability reaches 0%, it can no longer be used, but it can be repaired. To repair an item, simply visit the Repair page from the item's details. Guidelines on repairing items will be explained in the relevant section. When the durability of an equipped item gets close to zero, you'll receive an in-game notification through an icon in the menu.
  • Item Level: Quantifies the rarity and overall potency of an item within the game.
  • Required Stats: In this section, you'll find the hero's necessary characteristics to equip the item.
  • Average price: On the Item Description page, you can see the average price of items on the marketplace at which they can be bought or sold.