Slot Structure

In the All Inventory section, users can access detailed information about each item slot, which typically includes:

  1. ID: This is a unique identifier for each item slot, making it easier for users to manage and differentiate their inventory.
  2. Augmentation Level: The augmentation level of an item slot indicates how many times the item has been enhanced or upgraded.
  3. Magic Attack: Magic attack is a characteristic of certain item slots, denoting their capacity for dealing magical damage.
  4. Durability: When an item's durability approaches zero, the item slot will display a "broken" status, highlighted in red.
  5. image

This visual indicator serves as a warning to players, making it clear that the item is at risk of breaking soon. If one of your equipped item will be broken soon, you will be notified via an icon


in the menu or next to your hero.
