Reinforcement is a unique feature that allows users to earn rewards by aiding other heroes in their adventure quests. Here's how it works:
Reinforcement Page Details:
- A hero can be staked on a biome that depends on his level by the formula (HERO_LVL - 5) / 5.
- You can set your own desired price for Reinforcement.
- On this page, you can see how much your character has earned by assisting other players.
Participating in Reinforcement:
Go to the reinforcement page from your hero's main page. To participate in reinforcement, set the desired price and stake your hero.
Now there is no need to have 3 skills. But please note that other users choose whom to call in Reinforcement. And the better your hero is, the more likely he will be chosen. All of your hero's skills will be available to another player when summoned.
While your hero is in the reinforcement pool, all other actions with your hero are restricted. If you wish to play with your hero again or sell him, you can unstake your hero at any time.
Rest assured, while your hero is in Reinforcement, there is no risk of your hero losing any stats or facing permanent death. You won’t be at risk, but when your hero comes to assist, their armor will lose durability just like after a normal battle. Staked hero temporary buffs will be removed after the first call.
If your hero has assisted someone in a fight and has received rewards, you should visit the Reinforcement page to see the reward:
Reinforcement Process in a Battle:
Players independently choose whom to summon as reinforcements by comparing the stats of available characters and their costs.
The assisting hero will stay with the requesting hero until the adventure is completed and will provide an additional boost of 20% to their stats. The user will also have access to the assistant's skills.
This assistance enhances the chances of success in the adventure and can lead to more lucrative rewards.