The $SACRA token has the following utilities:
- In-game items exchange $SACRA is utilised as the main currency used in all Sacra's operations, for example participating in-game events or trading with other players on the NFT marketplace.
- Hero NFT level up (For old heroes that were created before the NG+ update) $SACRA is used for increasing the hero level, so player can pass through higher-level biomes.
- Guilds
- Item NFTs’ augmentatio Players can upgrade their items to get a unique item for sever tokens;
- Item NFTs’ repair and fragility restoring $SACRA is used for repairing items, so players won’t lose them because of breaking.
- Answers in quests
Fantom: Platform Fee = 5%, Platform fee = 1%;
Currently pay Token was changed for all heroes to network token, so all new heroes will be prepaid. There are some “old” postpaid heroes. They still have paid “level up”. Amount for level up is equal to: 10 sacra * newLevel;
$SACRA is used for creating and joining guilds.
To enter the guild users send requests and deposit membership-amounts.
$SACRA is also used as payment for certain responses during quest progression. These instances are rare but may occur.